The film opens in 2050, in which a pilot named Adam Reed (Ryan Reynolds) flies in an airplane. He is chased by a woman named Maya Sorian (Katherine Keener), but Adam flies long enough to open the wormhole where he disappears.
2022 - 12-year-old Adam (Walker Scobell) is chased by school bully Ray Dollarhead (Braxton Bjerken) and his friend Chuck (Kasra Wong). Ray beats Adam because Adam tends to make sensible comments. Adam is stopped and his mother Ellie (Jennifer Garner) comes to eat the director.
Adam was living with Ellie after her father, Louis (Mark Ruffalo), was lost in a car accident more than a year ago. Ellie meets up with a co-worker and Adam can’t do anything but make angry comments and support her. After he leaves, their dog Hawking goes out. Adam goes after him and the ashes fall from the sky. He goes to his father's garage and sees the Big Man sitting with a gunshot wound to the abdomen. When the young Adam tells himself that it is 2022, the Great Adam realizes that he has made a mistake. After sticking himself inside the house, the young man realizes that he is talking to himself as an adult. The Big Man shows the Young Man his ship, which can be activated with his DNA, and he hides to rest. She tells the Young Man that when he returns to his scheduled schedule, their memories will be reconciled and the Young Man will probably not remember his adult meeting.
After Ellie returns home, Adam meets her date and makes more rude comments, telling Ellie to her son that sometimes she is stupid. Outside, the Great Adam sees Ellie coming out and he feels bad.
The next day, Big Adam goes out with his youth, where they meet Ray and Chuck again. The Big Man steps in to encourage the Young Man to fight with confidence, but Ray still beats him. The Big Man threatens Ray enough to wet him and he goes back to the Young Man to apologize for allowing him to do this, but he tells him that they have to let him do it. otherwise he will not become a stronger person as he grows up. The young man looks at Adam's phone and sees a picture of his wife Laura (Zo Saldana), but the older man doesn't want to talk about her.
The big man finds Ellie in a bar where she talks to the bartender about her problems with her son. Adam offers words of encouragement and assures Ellie that she is doing a good job and that her son really loves her.
The man returns home to tell his younger brother that Maya, who was Louis’s business partner, is in control of the future as she takes advantage of Louis ’discovery about time travel. Louis created a particle accelerator called the "Project of Man" and using this Maya turned the planet into a dystopian hell. His original goal was 2018, but he missed the mark. He also kills Laura while trying to jump time, and Adam knows she's coming for him. Of course, Maya sends her beasts as well as her right man Christos (Alex Mallari Jr.). The villains find Adams outside, and the Big Man takes out his special weapon and fights his comrades, who scatter them because they died outside the allotted time. Christos goes out to fight Adam, but they are saved by Laura from appearing in the forest. After taking out more friends, he takes them out of the forest, where Adam the Great kills two more thugs.
Laura brings Adams into the cabin to hide. She tells them that she tried to jump into 2018 because Maya is already back in time to manage her time schedule and make herself successful. After Big Man and Laura have a secret moment after a long time apart, she tells him that they can’t stay there and that he has until 2018 to complete the mission. The man again tearfully separates from Laura and drives his young man to find his ship. Christos goes after them, but Laura keeps him with a land mine, even though it doesn't kill him. People get on the boat and fly away, but Maya kills Laura and then goes after them. He knows that Adam has only one leap left and there is no other way to get back on schedule. Both have decided to move on to 2018.
In 2018, Adams will teach Louis in the classroom. After the students leave, Louis quickly reunites as he talks to his son as an adult, as well as a version four years older than the one he already lives with. Big Adam explains to his father that the journey of time is real thanks to him and Maya has betrayed him for her own benefit. They ask Louis for help, but he doesn’t want to do anything else to schedule the time
back home to Ellie and 8-year-old Adam. He wonders if Adam is sad, but Ellie reassures him. Meanwhile, Maya finds her youth for the first time, having previously used her for the first time when jumping. She warns him that Adam will be her biggest problem.
The people decided to go to the Maya company and turn off the accelerator themselves. The young man uses a special plane to fight more friends, but Louis appears after changing his mind and says they can get a hard drive that incorporates his travel algorithm. The Big Man enters with Louis, while the Mayan ship appears behind the Young Man.
Adam and Louis accelerate it, but the Mayans appear with Christos and the comrades who are holding the Young Adam with a weapon. Encouraged by his older personality, he urges the villains to shoot at the accelerating electromagnetic shield. The accelerator begins to unravel and the heroes fight the villains. Christos falls into a trance, while Maya orders Louis to give up the hard drive. When he refuses, he makes a round of armor to kill them, but the shield pulls the arrow towards the smaller Maya, killing him and causing the older Maya to disperse and be destroyed from the future. Then the guys run out of the building when the accelerator explodes.
The three return home. Louis admits that he will die and this will hurt his son, but asks them when and how it will happen. She assures the Great Adam that she is proud of him and that he embraces both versions of his son. Knowing they’re back on schedule, Adam tells Young Adam to be Ellie’s best son. Then they last play with Louis Catch before returning.
Again in 2022, Adam will show more love to Ellie. Years later, Adam meets Laura in college when she goes to the wrong classroom and he offers to lead her to the right building.
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